Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 4- Fundraising for the Famine

Last years clothing drive

This week I got to do something I have been looking forward to doing for a while. I got to start fundraising for the 30 hour famine. The 30 hour famine is a project that is taken on by youth groups around the country to raise money to fight hunger.  A child dies every ten seconds because of hunger. That’s nearly 8,000 kids every day. During the 30 hour famine we go serve our community (last year we volunteered at a clothing drive), learn about world hunger (we visited the Real Life Exhibit), and meet up with others in our area that are doing the famine. Oh and did I mention, we don’t eat. That’s right; we go 30 hours, a day and a quarter, without eating. It sounds really hard, but it’s not. We can drink water and juice, but that’s it, but when you are with others who are doing the same things, it doesn’t seem that hard. When we’re done, we all have a big dinner. It starts on Friday the 25th, we eat lunch, but then we stop. We skip dinner, then breakfast the next day, then lunch, and then at six o’clock on Saturday, we eat. This was such an eye opener for me last year. Before this, I didn’t realize how much food we throw away, how much money we waste, and how cheap it really is to feed people. For thirty dollars a month, about a dollar a day, you can feed a child in Africa. This will be my second year doing the famine and so I am more excited than nervous this year, Last year I thought it would be really hard, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but I know now that I can do it. Last year I was only able to raise about ninety dollars, that’s enough to feed 3 children for a month, but this year my goal is to raise at least $100.00, and once I meet that, I’m going to up my goal to $150.00. I would love to be able to raise $180.00 to $200.00, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to. If you want to help me out you can at this link.

Visiting the Real Life Exhibit last year

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome. i love the fact that your raising money for such a great cause. there shouldn't be people in the world that are starving when we all have the money to help them. IT IS WRONG.
